Our mission is embedded in our relatively long name of Research Laboratory for Cross-Cultural Organization and Career Development.
As businesses of Japanese companies have been globalized, it should be needed to internationalize (or globalize) their employees. We are interested in "cultural synergy" (Adler, 1986) among international employees and their Japanese managers. Our aim is to find a way of "evolution" of Japanese-style organization and HRM, in which teamwork should be maintained as a key character of Japanese-style organization but that teams should consist of "diverse employees" such as international employees.
This issue is "diversity and inclusion". Therefore, our research targets are not only international employees but also a variety of "diverse employees" such as employees caring for children.
Organization Development & Career Development
We think Organization Development and Career Development should be integrated. While career development at Japanese companies have been initiated by organization, it should be initiated by individuals in the era of globalization, progress of artificial Intelligence, and lifelong working career.
The diverse employees such as international employees are included in this situation. Japanese companies should support career development initiated by individuals of diverse employees, aiming at their creative behaviors. As a result of it, frictions and conflicts will often happen among employees at first. However, it can cause dynamic mutual development throughout mutual learning and mutual support. Therefore this process can be recognized as organization development.
We believe that one of the possible ways in which a company adapt to changing environment is organization development throughout career development of diverse employees.
Research Laboratory
Our roles are not only academic research but also experimentation to apply our research findings to practice. This is why we named our team "Research Laboratory", and we highly value collaboration with practitioners.